Patrick R. Gibbons
How much do we need to spend on education?
More, is the only answer we hear
One of the biggest Trojan horses for tax hikes has always been public education, wielding the potent cry: "It's for the children!" Thus armed, politicians like Barbara Buckley and political activists like Erin Neff regularly argue that public education needs more revenue to improve, meaning, of course, more taxes. They get away with it because how much revenue is actually available to public education is not generally well understood.
Funding Fantasies
Nevada K-12 education spends more than you think
In the debate over Nevada's education funding, a fundamental question remains: How much are Silver State taxpayers actually spending on the education of their youth?
Legislature’s dirty little secret revealed
Backdoor spending is the norm
For decades here in Nevada, the caterwauling from tax-consumers and their political allies has been loud and constant: Silver State budgets, they wail, are much too tightfisted, "selfish" and "unprogressive." What they haven't been telling you, however, is about all of the spending state lawmakers have been perpetrating through the back door – after the biennial budgets are approved – in a practice that's been going on for at least 30 years.