They'll spend money on anything, but they won't do that
We'll spend money to bail out big corporations but not to help poor kids go to private schools?
We will take money from hard-working Americans and give it to the jobless.
We will take money from hard-working Americans and give it to the homeless.
We will take money from hard-working Americans and give it the poor to buy food.
We will take money from hard-working Americans and help the poor receive health care.
We will take money from hard-working Americans to feed the world.
We will take money from hard-working Americans to pay the farmer.
We will take money from hard-working Americans and give it to the starving artist.
We will take money from hard-working Americans and pay off the environmentalist.
We will take money from hard-working Americans to bail out the automakers.
We will even take money from hard-working Americans and give it to multibillion dollar corporations that just destroyed trillions of dollars in wealth.
But we absolutely will not take money from hard-working Americans to help low-income children leave the miserably failing public school system and get a real education.
No, instead we will take money from hard-working Americans to help teacher unions destroy what is left of public education.