
All eyes on Arizona

Will the voters of the state declare sovereignty over its federally administered lands?

November 5, 2012 | by Geoffrey Lawrence

Will the Arizona voters declare sovereignty over its federally administered lands?

Setting up the next CCSD campaign for higher taxes

If tax increase passes, CCSD officials could ask to extend higher tax rate for 30 years

November 1, 2012 | by Karen Gray

If property-tax increase passes, CCSD officials could ask to extend higher tax rate for 30 years.

The Nevada Piglet Book 2012

October 24, 2012 | by Geoffrey Lawrence

When the government controls society’s resources, it becomes about who you know, not what you know. As resources are politicized, they get doled out to those with political pull to the detriment of the average citizen. That’s a central lesson of this biennium’s Piglet Book.

CCSD advocacy spending for Question 2 appears to violate state ethics law

District says private PAC will reimburse it for 'Vote Yes on 2' materials, employee costs

October 23, 2012 | by Kyle Gillis

District says School Improvement Committee PAC will reimburse it for 'Vote Yes on 2' materials, employee costs.

The failure of modern economics

Today's economists overlook the most basic element of economic science

October 16, 2012 | by Geoffrey Lawrence , Roy Cordato Ph.D.

Today’s economists neglect the most basic element of economic science.

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