Best of the blogosphere featuring Frederick
The blogosphere's been abuzz this week with the news that former CCEA executive director John Jasonek took home over $600,000 in 2009 for running CCEA and two affiliated non-profits. But my favorite take on the story came from Sherman Frederick and that post is my choice for this week's "Best of the Nevada blogosphere."
Shame on the teachers union, by Sherman Frederick at The Complete Las VeganIt will be interesting to see where this story goes and how teachers react to this news.
What it's about and why it's a great post: It's Frederick's take on the CCEA story, and he lets the union bosses have it with both barrels. He also articulates the questions that jump out after reading the story - what else does CCEA not want the public or its members to know about?
The money line: You can explain and complain, discuss and cuss the brutally enlightening Las Vegas Review-Journal stories about the high pay of union leaders at the Clark County Education Association, but you can't escape the ultimate conclusion: The local teachers union has breached faith with its members, students, parents and the state.
If what's been going on at that union isn't illegal, it's damn well immoral. And, I'm betting the public still doesn't know the half of it.
I encourage you to read these center-right, Nevada blogs as well. If you'd like me to add your blog, please leave it in the comments.
4th St8
Bruce Feher
The Complete Las Vegan
Cranky Hermit
Dullard Mush
First Principles
Grim's Grumblings
Kickin' Up Dust (Nevada Farm Bureau blog)
The Libertarian Popinjay
Local So-and-So
Muth's Truths
Nevada News and Views
Olhar Direito
Randi's Rants
Reno Hayek Symposium
Sean Cary
TransparentNevada blog
The Western Wrangler
CCEA trying to blame Jones for CCEA director making over $600K in 2009
The Clark County Education Association is upset. Not about its former executive director John Jasonek, taking home over $600,000 a year to run the union and two affliated non-profits, although it did admit there was no justification for his "triple dip."
CCEA is upset with the CCSD and Superintendent Dwight Jones for (allegedly) daring to call attention to CCEA's outrageous behavior.
CCEA President Ruben Murillo, Jr. sent a letters to Jones and the CCSD board Wednesday, blaming Jones for what has happened.
However, I write to you today to inform you that CCEA's Executive Board no longer has confidence that the relationship [between CCSD and CCEA] can be maintained. It is evidence, that under your direction, the Superintendent's office has embarked on a calculated campaign to smear CCEA's reputation and bargain through the media in order to force teachers to accept concessionary demands. ...Now I have no way of knowing the level of involvement CCSD had with this story, but the claim that it's trying to "smear CCEA's reputation" is ridiculous ... and hilarious.
Accordingly, from this point forward, CCEA is selectively suspending its involvement in any number of the collaborative ventures with CCSD.
Pointing out exactly what CCEA employees made, as shown in CCEA's own tax returns, is a smear campaign?
Nope, CCEA's union bosses have done the damage, and it's no smear (whether originating from Jones' office or good investigative reporting by the RJ) to point out how the union bosses enriched themselves to the determent of teachers. Exposing the excesses of powerful individuals who claim to only want the best for teachers is exactly why having an engaged media is so important.
The first rule of damage control is to stop digging, and if I was running CCEA, I'd immediately issue an apology (if not offering some resignations) to my members and the public and conduct and release both performance and financial audits of CCEA and its affiliate organizations.
Instead CCEA is trying to make this about Jones and "is selectively suspending its [CCEA's] involvement in any number of the collaborative ventures with CCSD."
In other words, CCEA can't get its way, so it wants to take its ball and go home. In many ways, I think that's only going to make the situation worse for Murillo and CCEA.
Even CCEA says salaries of CCEA executives were "excessive"
On Sunday, the RJ ran a huge story detailing how much the top executives of CCEA made in recent years.
How much were those individuals getting paid? Let's just say it made the sick-leave abusing Clark County firefighters look reasonable by comparison.
In 2009, the last year for which a required Internal Revenue Service report is available, more than a third of the union's $4.1 million budget went to pay just nine leaders. Each earned between $139,785 and $208,683 for a total of $1.5 million, according to the Clark County Education Association's report to the IRS.After you read the whole thing, you can understand why current CCEA President Ruben Murillo, Jr. posted a statement on the CCEA website condemning Jasonek's salary.
John Jasonek, then executive director, got $208,683 for running the union but also received $423,863 from two affiliated organizations -- the union's Community Foundation and Center for Teaching Excellence -- making his total pay $632,546.
In addition, union-created Teachers Health Trust CEO Peter Alpert was paid $546,133.
Current union officials refused a Las Vegas Review-Journal request for more recent figures. The nine workers are singled out in the report because the IRS requires the union to list officers, key employees and anyone making at least $100,000 a year.
But let's start by stating that CCEA in no way condones excessive and multiple salaries for any staff or leaders. We have no justification for the fact that former Executive Director Jasonek was able to triple dip, earning additional and excessive salaries. Since Jasonek's mutually agreed retirement, CCEA has done the following:The "current freeze on staff salary increases" must be a new development, because just last year, the President (Murillo) and Vice President received a 10 percent pay raise. (h/t Michael Chamberlin)
• There is a current freeze on staff salary increases.
• We have adopted policy that prohibits staff from having multiple salaries.
• We have reduced the Executive Director's salary to below 2000 salary levels-35% lower.
• All staff assignments and compensation are under review, with imminent changes, to best serve the interests of our members in these difficult times.
• We have adopted high standards of performance for staff and leaders, standards that deliver results for members.
As this editorial in the RJ makes clear, CCEA is certainly guilty of hypocrisy, and this story provides yet another reminder of the largesse of union bosses.
If I was a CCEA member, I'd be demanding independent performance and financial audits of union finances and that the audits are released publicly. Imagine what else those union dues are paying for...
NPRI releases Solutions 2013: The definitive sourcebook on Nevada policy issues
NPRI is very excited to announce the release of Solutions 2013: A Sourcebook for Nevada Policymakers. Solutions 2013 contains information, research and recommendations on 39 different policy areas and is the most comprehensive guide available on the issues facing Nevadans.
This 88-page book will become the go-to reference for policymakers, candidates and concerned citizens on issues ranging from taxes to education, from energy to labor, from economic development to higher education.
NPRI's Geoffrey Lawrence, who wrote Solutions 2013, also offers 53 policy recommendations, and in most cases, the recommendations reference model legislation that has already been created or legislation that has produced successful outcomes in other states.
I'll be highlighting some of the 39 issues and 53 recommendations that Solutions 2013 addresses here at Write on Nevada in the coming weeks, but you can read all of Solutions 2013 right now by clicking here.
Cook uncovers evidence many Clark County firefighters engaged in disability fraud
A terrific column and some outstanding investigative reporting from Glenn Cook at the Las Vegas Review-Journal suggests that - on top of making sky-high salaries and abusing sick leave to drive up overtime costs - many Clark County firefighters engaged in disability fraud to further sweeten their retirement payouts.
Not coincidentally, disability retirements were quite common within the Clark County Fire Department. Between June 1994 and last year, 72 of the department's 209 rank-and-file retirements involved Article 31 awards. Those awards cost taxpayers a total of $17.4 million, an average of $242,000 per firefighter. From 2008 to 2011, as firefighters' income continued to grow, the payouts averaged about $320,000.There's tons more in Cook's column, so be sure to click over and read the whole thing.
Disability retirements were more frequent among battalion chiefs. Four of the department's nine supervisory retirements during that same period resulted in disability payouts. Those payments totaled $1.17 million, or roughly $292,000 per supervisor.
These awards were not contingent on a worker's compensation finding and, in fact, covered many more conditions than worker's compensation.
This type of abuse is outrageous, especially if you consider that we're paying for it. It's also just another reason we need to end collective bargaining for local government employees.
Top Democratic donor: Teachers' union "is literally strangling our public schools to death"
And he wasn't done. He also said that "Democrats are now on the wrong side of every important education-reform issue."
He's not from Nevada, but Washington state Democrat Nick Hanauer, who's donated more than $2.5 million to Democrats since 2001, and other big-time Democratic donors have had enough of the teachers' union putting adults before children.
Several well-heeled Democratic donors have openly split with the state party and legislative leaders over education reform, arguing Washington is falling behind because lawmakers are afraid to buck the teachers union.If you read the whole article, you'll notice that the actions and stances of the Washington Education Association sound suspiciously similar to the Nevada State Education Association.
Donors say they fear the Democratic Party could lose ground to Republicans on the issue. Some even say they're on the fence when it comes to supporting Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob McKenna or Democratic candidate Jay Inslee, given the candidates' stances on education. ...
Jabe Blumenthal, a former Microsoft executive and co-president of the Climate Solutions board, said he agrees with much of what Hanauer says, particularly when it comes to the WEA.
"I think the Democratic leadership has allowed themselves to be held hostage by the teachers union," said Blumenthal who has contributed more than $300,000 to different causes over the years, including Democratic candidates and the state party.
Every year at the legislature, the NSEA works its hardest to kill education reforms - often while claiming to support reforms "in general."
It's great to see more and more Democrats understanding the importance of putting children and education reform before the selfish desires of a special interest group. Let's hope the number supporting meaningful education reform continues to grow.
NPRI plans to appeal, comments on judge's decision to dismiss separation-of-powers lawsuit
Earlier today, NPRI learned that First Judicial District Court Judge James T. Russell has dismissed Pojunis v. State of Nevada, et al. as mooted by Sen. Denis' resignation. In response, Joseph Becker, chief legal officer and director of NPRI's Center for Justice and Constitutional Litigation, released the following comments:
The separation-of-powers clause in Nevada's constitution is perfectly clear - a sitting state legislator is not allowed to exercise any functions in the executive or judicial branch of state government. This principle is foundational to Nevada's government, and that's why we strongly oppose the court's decision to dismiss Pojunis v. State of Nevada, et al.
Although Sen. Mo Denis resigned from his executive-branch employment within hours of being served with CJCL's lawsuit - a de facto admission on the merits of the case - it is hard to imagine a case that better satisfies the "Public Interest" exception to the mootness doctrine than this one.
While the court acknowledged that there are exceptions to the mootness doctrine, it held that the "Public Interest" exception was too limited to include this case. However, with at least 14 conflicting attorney general's opinions on this issue and no fewer than six current legislators - Assemblyman Marcus Conklin, Nevada System of Higher Education; Assemblyman Kelvin Atkinson, Clark County; Assemblywoman Olivia Diaz, Clark County School District; Assemblyman Jason Frierson, Clark County; Assemblyman Scott Hammond, Clark County School District; and Assemblywoman Melissa Woodbury, Clark County School District - also violating Article 3, Section 1, this case is the poster child for the "Public Interest" exception.
As the Nevada Supreme Court has written, the separation of powers "is probably the most important single principle of government declaring and guaranteeing the liberties of the people," and "[t]he separation of powers; the independence of one branch from the others; the requirement that one department cannot exercise the powers of the other two is fundamental in our system of government."
Even Governor Brian Sandoval, chief executive of the State of Nevada, which is also a named defendant in the lawsuit, has stated that this lawsuit "brings up a very important constitutional issue." Further, in regard to the separation-of-powers issue raised by this lawsuit, Governor Sandoval has implored the Supreme Court to "[s]ettle it once and for all."
With those comments in mind and agreeing with the Nevada Supreme Court that the separation of powers is "fundamental in our system of government," we plan on appealing this dismissal to the Nevada Supreme Court.
Jay P. Greene: James Guthrie is "great"
In case you don't know who either of those men is, let me fill you in.
Jay P. Greene is one of the top education reform scholars in the country (and runs the terrific Jay P. Greene's blog). James Guthrie is one of the three individuals, along with Rene Cantu Jr. and Caroline McIntosh, Gov. Brian Sandovalw will select as Nevada's next superintendent.
Last week, NPRI's publication, Nevada Journal, asked all the finalists for state Superintendent for their opinions on vouchers and education spending.
Of the three finalists, Guthrie, by far, gave the weakest answer on vouchers (and his answer on vouchers in his interview with the State Board of Education was also less than solid).
A Google search of Guthrie's research, however, turned up some really great stuff. Here's Guthrie with an article refuting nine myths on education funding and how noting that "we can reduce school budgets and improvement student achievement at the same time." And here's another article with Guthrie concluding "added money and personnel suggest resources not a core problem" in education.
That's some great stuff, and why I reached out to Dr. Greene for his thoughts on Guthrie.
Dr. Greene emailed me that "Guthrie is great" and also that Guthrie believes in school choice.
I respect Dr. Greene's work and commitment to school choice tremendously. And that's why I'm even more optimistic than before that Nevada's next Superintendent will support school choice.
And that's something parents, students and citizens of Nevada can all be excited about.
Bill Raggio: Nevada loses a legend
NPRI's President Andy Matthews wrote the following letter regarding the passing of longtime state senator Bill Raggio, and I wanted to share it with you.
Nevadans awoke to the news this morning that Bill Raggio, one of the truly great icons of Silver State politics, has died at the age of 85.
Mr. Raggio served 38 years in the Nevada Senate, and it's difficult to spend that much time in public office without leaving a significant mark. Yet even among long-tenured public servants, his legacy stands out.
There are many, many people in this state who have worked alongside Mr. Raggio and who knew him much better than I did, and so I will leave it to them to offer their reflections on his life and his career. But it's impossible for anyone involved in state politics or public policy not to feel the magnitude of this loss, and to appreciate what he meant to this state.
Those who have followed NPRI's work over the years know that we have both agreed and disagreed with Mr. Raggio's views on various policy issues. But there was never any doubt as to his love for Nevada and his commitment to making it a better place to live. For that, he will always have our respect, and our admiration.
May he rest in peace, and may his loved ones find strength and comfort today and in the difficult days to come.
Five vying to be Nevada's next Superintendent; three support school choice, two not as enthusiastic
Rene Cantu, James W. Guthrie, Magdalena Martinez, Caroline McIntosh and Sylvia L. McMullen are the five finalists to be Nevada's Superintendent for Public Instruction.
Tomorrow, the State Board of Education will forward three of the candidates to Gov. Brian Sandoval, and within the next month, he will choose one of them to be the next superintendent.
Who are the candidates, and what do they believe in? NPRI's publication, Nevada Journal, asked the candidates for their thoughts on school choice, including vouchers, and education spending.
School choice:
Education spending:
The good news is that three of the candidates affirmatively told Nevada Journal they supported school choice, with only Martinez and Guthrie side stepping the issue.
When the Board of Education asked Martinez about school choice she danced around the issue saying that school choice won't work in isolation. As part of a larger reform agenda, she said, it can improve the education of students.
I don't know where she stands on the issue as she did her best to avoid directly answering the question.
When the Board of Education asked Guthrie about educational freedom, his answer made it sound like he would only reluctantly implement educational choice.
Given that Gov. Brian Sandoval has been proactive in promoting school choice and substantial education reform and that three of the five remaining candidates are affirmatively pro-educational freedom, I'm cautiously optimistic that Nevada's next Superintendent of Public Instruction will be an on-the-record supporter of school choice.
And that's something parents, students and citizens of Nevada can all be excited about.