Best of the blogosphere featuring Frederick

The blogosphere's been abuzz this week with the news that former CCEA executive director John Jasonek took home over $600,000 in 2009 for running CCEA and two affiliated non-profits. But my favorite take on the story came from Sherman Frederick and that post is my choice for this week's "Best of the Nevada blogosphere."

Shame on the teachers union, by Sherman Frederick at The Complete Las Vegan

What it's about and why it's a great post: It's Frederick's take on the CCEA story, and he lets the union bosses have it with both barrels. He also articulates the questions that jump out after reading the story - what else does CCEA not want the public or its members to know about?

The money line: You can explain and complain, discuss and cuss the brutally enlightening Las Vegas Review-Journal stories about the high pay of union leaders at the Clark County Education Association, but you can't escape the ultimate conclusion: The local teachers union has breached faith with its members, students, parents and the state.

If what's been going on at that union isn't illegal, it's damn well immoral. And, I'm betting the public still doesn't know the half of it.
It will be interesting to see where this story goes and how teachers react to this news.

I encourage you to read these center-right, Nevada blogs as well. If you'd like me to add your blog, please leave it in the comments.

4th St8
Bruce Feher
The Complete Las Vegan
Cranky Hermit
Dullard Mush
First Principles
Grim's Grumblings
Kickin' Up Dust (Nevada Farm Bureau blog)
The Libertarian Popinjay
Local So-and-So
Muth's Truths
Nevada News and Views
Olhar Direito
Randi's Rants
Reno Hayek Symposium
Sean Cary
TransparentNevada blog
The Western Wrangler

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