Why the $3 billion budget deficit myth matters to leftists

Not because it's true, but because it's a good negotiating position. As noted by Jon Ralston, who was talking with an anonymous businessman:

But then he [the anonymous businessman] called back almost immediately to make two more points. One was that the budget deficit should be pegged at closer to $3 billion by all the politicians to establish a large enough target for negotiations.

What more can you say? I guess some people think the truth should be disregarded when it's politically convenient. (To be fair, the above statement is only representative of the anonymous person who made it, although I suspect it's a large motivating factor for many who overstate Nevada's budget deficit.)

Just remember this the next time someone claims Nevada's budget deficit is $3 billion. That person may not even believe the $3 billion myth himself, but he's hoping to use the size of the figure to intimidate you into accepting tax increases.

The good news is that most Nevada journalists have rejected the $3 billion deficit myth and are reporting on Nevada's budget deficit accurately. Nevada's liberal politicians ... not so much.

If you want more budget truth, let me suggest reading my recent commentary, titled "How a 10 percent 'cut' equals a 15 percent spending increase."

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