Why isn't California doing better?

Dr. Stephen M. Miller and Dr. Elliott Parker - economics professors at UNLV and UNR, respectively - claim that Nevada needs to overhaul its tax collections in order to survive and thrive. Unlike state policymakers who make this claim, Miller and Parker - though wrong - are at least brave enough to make some policy recommendations, including adding personal and corporate income taxes and a value-added tax.

They believe that our tax system is too reliant on sales and gaming taxes. A more diverse tax code, they think, will bring in more revenue and enable the Silver State to continue to provide basic services.

The problem is, both California and Arizona have broad tax bases, and both states are struggling just as much as Nevada. Higher taxes aren't the answer. In fact, California has a larger tax base and is not only struggling to provide basic services, but is bleeding private-sector jobs as well.

So, Dr. Miller and Dr. Parker, if new and higher taxes is the answer, why are California and Arizona still struggling?

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