Thanks to collective bargaining, it's impossible to stay fired in Clark County

(***Not applicable in Clark County***)

It's possible to get fired, but after you're fired an arbitrator will reinstate you - with back pay - even while finding you manipulated the system for personal gain.

Behold the wonders of binding arbitration and collective bargaining.
Another Clark County firefighter fired last year over alleged sick leave abuse will get her job back.

An arbitrator ruled Friday that former Battalion Chief Renee Dillingham, who was fired after emails appeared to show her creating a special roster for sick leave, is to be reinstated with full back pay.

Arbitrator Frank Silver wrote, "Her role with responsibility for the rules was not significantly greater than that of other battalion chiefs. Because, in addition to her involvement of the overtime rules, she participated, with the approval of Deputy Chief (Kenneth) Morgan, in manipulating the sick leave rules to avoid presenting a certificate of illness." He added that she should receive a written warning.
There's no use rehashing the particulars of this situation or any other ludicrous situation that comes from binding arbitration, but I can't resist this one fact. After cracking down on sick leave abusers, like Dillingham, sick leave use dropped by 80 percent, yes, 80 percent, among Clark County firefighter battalion chiefs.

Collective bargaining for government employees is the root cause of these problems. Ridiculous arbitration decisions, like the one above, are just some of the many symptoms of the problem.

It's time to repeal NRS 288, the collective bargaining statute for government employees, and return some sanity to Nevada's governments.

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