Obama stimulus doesn't work

Maybe government stimulus doesn't work because government doesn't know how to spend other people's money effectively. That is clearly evident from information revealed by Veronique de Rugy, a senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.

She states, "[t]he federal government has given far fewer stimulus dollars to states with high unemployment than it has to states with low unemployment."

Just take a look.

State/Unemployment Rate/Stimulus percapita

Nevada / 14.3 percent / $561.55
Michigan / 13.1 percent / $648.91
California / 12.3 percent / $546.34
Rhode Island / 11.9 percent / $164.83
Florida / 11.5 percent / $475.67

Vermont / 6.0 percent / $522.42
New Hampshire / 5.8 percent / $852.53
Nebraska / 4.7 percent / $591.17
South Dakota / 4.4 percent / $1,084.73
North Dakota / 3.6 percent / $1,059.95

"Does it make sense that the state with the highest unemployment rate, Nevada, is getting roughly half the per-capita amount of the state with the lowest, North Dakota?" she asks. No, it doesn't.

Even if government spending did make things better, couldn't they at least spend the money where it was needed most?

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