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Obama calls for more education spending - in school district his campaign stiffed on $25,000 bill for four years

While President Obama's quick to call for spending other people's money on public education, his campaign is extremely slow in paying its own bills - even when those bills are to the very public schools he wants to throw more taxpayer dollars at.

Here's what President Obama said today in North Las Vegas at Canyon Springs High School, which is part of the Clark County School District.

Obama focused his Nevada visit on education, warning that student achievement will drop if he doesn't win re-election and continue to pour resources into schools, colleges and universities.
But when it came to paying for his 2008 campaign events held in that very school district, the Obama campaign took almost four years to pay its $25,000 tab. As NPRI's Nevada Journal reports:
President Barack Obama [held] a campaign rally at Canyon Springs High School in North Las Vegas [today], his first visit to Southern Nevada since Nevada Journal revealed that his campaign left taxpayers here on the hook for the costs of events at local public schools.

Obama's campaign, Obama for America (OFA), left the Clark County School District with nearly $25,000 in unpaid bills from two rallies at Bonanza and Coronado high schools in 2008.

Neither CCSD nor the Obama campaign would confirm for Nevada Journal the campaign's plans to pay for Wednesday's event.

In 2008, CCSD billed the Obama campaign $53,116.12 for the Bonanza and Coronado rallies. Obama for America originally paid $28,484.40 of the bill, but left $24,631.72 unpaid.

That remainder was not paid until June 2012, following multiple Nevada Journal inquiries. The bill was for 500 hours of school police officer overtime, providing extra security for the rallies.
For President Obama it's "spend as I say, not as I do." Unbelievable.