Gillespie takes Olbermann to school
I love this column by the Reason Foundation's Nick Gillespie reviewing the growing ideological rift between the American people and their political class. There is no better explanation for the rise of the Tea Party movement.
Here are my favorite lines:
American voters during this long and unhappy season of fatcat bailouts and seven-figure job losses have taken every available opportunity to give their elected leaders the collective finger.
Ever since then-President George W. Bush went on live national TV in September 2008 to declare that "under normal circumstances" he was "a strong believer in free enterprise," the economic policies favored by Official Washington have been tremendously unpopular.
Fiscal conservatism was last spotted in Washington during the 1990s, which also happened to coincide with a fondly remembered boom. Then George W. Bush jacked up spending at rates not seen since his fellow Texan Lyndon Johnson bestrode the economy like a deficit-generating Colossus, and Barack Obama decided to see his predecessor's irresponsibility and raise it up a notch.