Andy Matthews

There they go again

The latest budget battle is a strange but familiar episode.

November 2, 2007

How peculiar, in the eyes of any financially responsible citizen, must be this drama now playing out in Carson City. It began when Gov. Jim Gibbons, responding to lower-than-projected revenues over the first couple months of the fiscal year, called on government departments in his charge to prepare contingency budgets at a level 5 percent below what they’d initially planned for.

No time like the present

Nevada faces an opportunity it can ill afford to miss.

July 27, 2007

For the nearly 150 years since its Civil War-inspired inception, Nevada has played the unfortunate role of the unloved, unappreciated and oft-abused step-child of the republic.

The turning of the tide

School choice advocates have the wind at their backs.

June 8, 2007

As Nevada’s political punditocracy spends the coming weeks reflecting on the 2007 legislative session, it’s unlikely any members will spill much ink over Senate Bill 158.

Failing the assignment

Everyone suffers when educrats don't do their homework.

May 11, 2007

Nevada's public education system rightly demands that students do their homework, think critically and resist following the crowd in response to peer pressure.

Seriously 'at-risk': CCSD full-day kindergarten stats

Performance for most kids actually declines under full-day K.

March 11, 2007

So whose interests, exactly, does the Clark County School District have in mind as it makes its push for full-day kindergarten?  Apparently, not the students.

Total Records: 150

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