Andy Matthews

What’s at stake in 2008?

The policy implications of this year’s elections could be significant.

July 29, 2008

An unpopular Republican governor, an increasingly deep economic funk, and a national outlook that nearly all prognosticators say greatly favors their party. Nevada Democrats couldn't have come up with a better storyline heading into the 2008 elections if they'd been allowed to write the script themselves.

Supremely misguided

July 11, 2008

Erin Neff, in her July 10 column for the Las Vegas Review-Journal, urges the Nevada Supreme Court to throw out the voter-approved constitutional amendment imposing term limits on elected officials. After first indulging herself in a long, aimless and pointless rant – is there really a need to call Richard Ziser a homophobe in a column on term limits? – she finally gets to the crux of her argument.

Second thoughts on the Second Amendment

July 2, 2008

Barack Obama, the Democrats' presumptive nominee for president, has spent his public career accumulating a consistent record of hostility toward gun rights. He's done this through his financial support for anti-gun groups, his voting record and his rhetoric. Of the recently overturned Washington, D.C., handgun ban, Obama had said last November that he believed the ban to be constitutional.

Judging the judges

June 27, 2008

Proponents of gun rights claimed victory this week as the United States Supreme Court, in the latest of several 5-4 decisions, struck down Washington, D.C.'s ban on handguns. While the news is certainly welcome, the razor-thin margin by which this case was decided ought to be unsettling for those who believe in fidelity to the Constitution. This one was closer than it should have been.

A changing climate

June 20, 2008

A friend and NPRI supporter has called to our attention some recent comments by John Coleman, who founded The Weather Channel and is now with KUSI-TV in San Diego. Coleman has some harsh words for Al Gore and his brethren in the environmentalist movement, and makes the case (and a compelling one, at that) that there is a direct link between overblown global warming alarmism and skyrocketing gas prices.

NACO vs. the taxpayers

June 12, 2008

Jon Ralston's blog post from June 11 contains a link to a letter written by Steve Martin of Nevadans for Fair Taxes, in which Martin takes the publicly funded Nevada Association of Counties (NACO) to task for using taxpayer dollars, at the behest of special interests (i.e. gaming and the teacher union) to lobby county governments to push for massive tax increases.

Right for the wrong reason

June 5, 2008

A Las Vegas Sun editorial published last weekend caught my eye for its sub-headline, which is dead-on accurate: "State government wrestling a budget crisis largely of its own making". Then I read the editorial.

John McCain and Yucca Mountain

May 29, 2008

In Reno this week, Republican presidential nominee-to-be John McCain took up the issue of Yucca Mountain, expressing his support for the creation of a nuclear waste repository there but also for reprocessing nuclear waste. McCain also said he'd push for the creation of an international facility for the purpose of storing nuclear waste from around the world.

Neff said

May 21, 2008

In her May 18 column for the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Erin Neff bemoans Gov. Gibbons' call for state agencies to cut up to 14 percent from anticipated 2009-2011 budget levels.

Get Rich, quick!

May 15, 2008

We at NPRI are thrilled, naturally, to have Rich Lowry delivering the keynote address at our 17th Anniversary Dinner (Sept. 23 at the Venetian). Lowry, who became editor of National Review before he'd even turned 30, is among today's brightest pundits, on politics and policy alike.

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