Gingrich, Paul and Santorum offer their thoughts on federal lands in Nevada
Last week, NPRI's Geoffrey Lawrence wrote a commentary, showing how harmful (and unconstitutional) it is for the federal government to own more than 85 percent of the land in Nevada.
With the GOP presidential candidates in Nevada, Nevada Journal asked them for their thoughts on this issue. Here is what former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Rep. Ron Paul (R., TX) and former Senator Rick Santorum had to say. Former Gov. Mitt Romney did not respond to Nevada Journal's interview request.
A parent's perspective: Why Nevada needs vouchers for special needs children
School choice would improve the lives of children with disabilities
The lives of children with disabilities would improve with school choice.
The federal budget is always balanced
It's by destroying your savings that the federal government finances its wanton spending
Wanton spending by the federal government is destroying your savings.
Digital learning offers real school choice for rural students
Technology offers educational options for all students
Digital learning provides students with high-quality teachers and personalized learning experiences.
Celebrating School Choice Week in Nevada
Governor, CCSD superintendent, parents point to the need for educational options
Parents join Governor and CCSD superintendent in pushing for educational options.
It's time to free the West
Federal lands belong under state control
Federal lands in Nevada belong under state control.
CJCL to represent Amargosa Valley church camp after U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service negligently floods it
Camp pastor: ‘This is the exact same government I fled in Cuba.’