
NV Energy customers share their feelings on smart meters

Utility will spend over $300 million installing new meters

February 29, 2012 | by Kyle Gillis

NV Energy customers not pleased with $300 million spent on new meters.

PUCN doubts smart meters will decrease rates

Critics say costs already have risen

February 28, 2012 | by Kyle Gillis

Critics note that costs have already risen.

Nevada Superintendent candidates offer their thoughts on school choice, including vouchers

Three finalists will be chosen Friday

February 23, 2012 | by Kyle Gillis

State Board of Education will forward three candidates to Governor Sandoval.

Nevada Superintendent candidates offer their thoughts on education spending

Three finalists will be chosen Friday

February 23, 2012 | by Kyle Gillis

State Board of Education will forward three candidates to Governor Sandoval.

Masto misses

AG opinion unilaterally attempts to rewrite the constitution

February 22, 2012 | by Geoffrey Lawrence

Attorney General opinion unilaterally attempts to rewrite the constitution.

Total Records: 1219

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