
Nevada doctors share how Obamacare harms patients and physicians

Concerns include reduced access for patients and pay cuts

September 17, 2012 | by Kyle Gillis

Doctors' concerns include reduced access for patients and pay cuts.

Parents to the rescue

Parent-trigger laws are meant to rescue children from failing schools

September 13, 2012 | by Geoffrey Lawrence

Parent-trigger laws are designed to rescue children from failing schools.

Back to schools you wouldn't choose

Nevada parents have been left behind in the school-choice movement

September 12, 2012 | by Geoffrey Lawrence

Nevada parents lack the school-choice options available in other states.

Food truck owners react to Las Vegas tabling restrictions

Proposed regulations would have favored brick-and-mortar restaurants

September 6, 2012 | by Kyle Gillis

Proposed food truck regulations would have favored brick-and-mortar restaurants.

Total Records: 1219

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