School choice
More evidence that school choice works
D.C. Opportunity Scholarship program boosted student learning
Research proves that the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship program increased student achievement.
Graduation time: Hold the celebration
High drop-out rate plagues Nevada’s education system
Fewer than half of Nevada's students graduate high school.
Social injustice
Our public education system harms low-income and minority students
Nevada's public education system harms low-income and minority students.
Bit by Bit
Virtual Schools Can Transform Nevada Public Education
Virtual Schools will — and already have begun to — transform Nevada's education system. In the near future, virtual schools will improve student achievement and save taxpayer dollars.
Racing to the top, or running in place?
Winning federal money doesn’t mean you’ve improved education
You can't improve education just by winning federal dollars.
Attacking the pillars of mediocrity
Nevada should quit protecting bad teachers
Which industry in Nevada terminates less than one percent of its employees for poor performance, incompetence or criminal behavior? If you said “Public Education,” give yourself a gold star.
Race to nowhere
State teacher unions given veto over Race to the Top funding
The round-one winners of Race to the Top funds surprised many observers of the education-reform scene.
Nevada athletics regulators throw a gutterball
Star bowler’s college dreams dashed thanks to old-guard bias
The Nevada Interscholastic Athletic Association's old-guard mentality has destroyed a star bowler's college scholarship dream.
The emerging education consensus
Candidates in both major parties are embracing sound policy ideas
Republican and Democratic gubernatorial candidates have embraced real education reforms.
Markets work, even for those in poverty
UNR professors Parker and Kilkenny have it wrong
Some of the poorest people around the world send their children to private schools.