
On the Backs of the Poor

March 10, 2003 | by Steven Miller

In January Governor Guinn declared that he “refuses to balance the budget on the backs” of Nevada’s poor.

The Sales Tax from Hell

March 3, 2003 | by Steven Miller

A couple of years from now, Angelina Alvarez drops by the local supermarket to pick up some rolls and a quart of milk.

Nevada's Proposed 2003-2005 Budget:

Review & Analysis

Many of the assumptions underlying the budget are inconsistent with both empirical and theoretical evidence.

A Nevada IRS?

February 24, 2003 | by Doug French

Perhaps nowhere else in the country is the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) hated as much as here in Nevada. Since the early 1980s the ubiquitous tax-gathering agency has been harassing casino dealers for a share of their tip money. Late last year four casino dealers, one a 64-year-old woman, were each sentenced to six months in prison for trying to keep some of their own money. How much loot did these big-time tax cheats keep out of the national treasury? As the Las Vegas Review Journal

reported, “[S]entencing the four to jail, [Judge] Hicks ordered restitution from each. The amounts ranged from $1,148 to $1,532.”

The Unholy Alliance

February 10, 2003 | by Doug French

With MGM Mirage Chairman Terry Lanni’s recent speech supporting higher taxes in Nevada, all of the usual suspects have now linked arms to back Governor Kenny Guinn’s quest for bigger state government.

The Power to Destroy

January 27, 2003 | by Doug French

In his famous McCulloch vs. Maryland decision, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall wrote, “The power to tax involves the power to destroy.” Today, over 180 years after those words were written, Governor Kenny Guinn stands ready to use the power of taxation to destroy thousands of Nevadans’ jobs and livelihoods. Guinn and his tax-increase panel believe that $1.1 billion (some days it’s more, some days it’s less) is needed to balance the state’s budget, while maintaining the existing level of state services.

The 'Fair Share' Fib

January 27, 2003 | by Steven Miller

For the last 15 years -- escalating sharply in the last two -- Nevada's non-gaming businesses have been subjected to a prolonged campaign of slander.

Nevada's Chronic Overspending and How to Deal With It

January 15, 2003 | by Steven Miller

In recent decades a "Who Gets What" theory of government has come to dominate Nevada, the result being that state government has more and more degenerated into a tool for transferring some people's money into other people's pockets.

Foxes in the Henhouse

January 13, 2003 | by Steven Miller

It’s an increasingly bizarre spectacle: The Guinn administration—working hand-in-glove with the Nevada Resort Association—is trying hard to stampede legislators into sticking Silver State citizens with heavy and unjustified new taxes.

The Destructive Impact of a Gross Receipts Tax

January 1, 2003 | by Steven Miller

A gross receipts tax would create a whole new set of problems for Nevada's businesses and its citizens.

Total Records: 329

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