The Sign on the Senate Doors
One of the most interesting news reports that never made it out of the 2003 Legislative sessions would have been the story of the sign that several state senators posted on their office doors.
The Gathering Storm
In California last week Assembly Democrats got caught calculating how they could profit politically by drawing out the Golden State’s budget crisis.
Whacking the Working Folks
Governor Kenny Guinn got what he wanted when Assembly Democrats picked up that elusive fifth Republican for approval of the largest tax increase in Nevada history—$836 million. Now the question is: Who pays? Not who pays immediately, but who pays in the long run. The financial punishment has been spread out somewhat, with tax increases on cigarettes, liquor, real estate transfers, gaming, slot license fees and state incorporation fees. New taxes on live entertainment and bank branches were also approved.
Here a Tax, There a Tax, Everywhere a Tax, Tax
The pro-tax lobbyists and legislators in Carson City keep proposing new varieties of tax goulash to pay for the huge increase in state government they hope to inflict upon Nevada citizens. Whether it’s half a billion or a full billion in new taxes, either way it’s huge.
The People Be Damned
Judges like to posture as wise and fair authority figures. But the reality is that any judge is an amalgam of two of the most-often-despised occupational types of American life: the lawyer and the politician.
The Presumed Serfdom of Taxpayers
Nevada's political class is making some peculiar assumptions
One of the odd things about this year’s debates over Nevada’s state budget has been the peculiar assumption lurking behind almost every official presentation.
Cloud Cuckoo Land
In Aristophanes’ ancient comedy The Birds, our feathered friends—fed up with both mankind and the gods—establish a city in the clouds.
The Big Sleep
Republican state legislators are being accused of a blasphemous absence of reverence for the Transcendent Divinity of Nevada’s public-school apparatus.
It's the Amount of Taxes
Governor Kenny Guinn’s proposed billion-dollar tax increase has rallied many Nevada freedom fighters of divergent views to work together. All agree that the governor’s attempt to fundamentally change the Silver State from a pro-freedom, pro-business state to a clone of neighboring California—with all the Big-Welfare, Big-Bureaucracy bells and whistles—has to be blocked.
Whom Do We Eat First?
We call people elected to the Nevada Legislature our “representatives,” but of course they are not.