
The ‘48th in the Nation’ Ruse

Civil society and freedom, not big government and politics, hold the key to solving Nevada’s 'social ills'.

February 14, 2005 | by Steven Miller

For years, power-hungry Nevada politicians thought they knew precisely how to guilt-trip Silver State voters into submitting to ever-bigger government and ever-higher taxes.

Homeschooling in Nevada: The Budgetary Impact

Home school students benefit school districts in the long run by relieving them of the total costs of educating them.

Social Security & Partisanship

Our politicians need to get past their partisanship, to achieve needed reforms.

January 24, 2005 | by Dennis Schiffel

The silly season with respect to reforming the Social Security retirement program is in full swing. Democrats and liberals claim there is at worst a minor financial problem that can be fixed. Republicans and libertarians think the system is broken financially and offers perverse incentives to participants and politicians.

Running Scared

Nevada’s tax-consuming establishment continues to use taxpayers’ resources to fight taxpayer relief

January 20, 2005 | by Steven Miller

A fundamental problem exists with tax-financed public institutions, and at UNLV January 7 it was very much on display.

What Prop 13 was really all about

The systemic problem faced by Nevada property taxpayers and others is political

January 13, 2005 | by Steven Miller

Deathly afraid that sky-high property tax rates in Nevada will trigger an historic tax revolt, members of the state’s tax-consuming class are clearly in a dither.

Boilerplate for Bigger Tax Burdens

Apologists for new schemes to raise Nevada’s sales tax routinely misrepresent the real costs to voters and the state.

January 3, 2005 | by Steven Miller

When voters in Nevada’s two most populous counties went to vote last November, they found themselves on the receiving end of what is virtually now a boilerplate pitch for ever-higher Silver State sales taxes.

Nevada's 2003 Tax Increases

Underlying Assumptions and Resulting Impact

January 1, 2005 | by Robert Schmidt Ph.D. , Charles F. Barr

Tax collections are running far ahead of Task Force estimates, while many programs are requiring less money than forecasts suggested.

Nevada Education: Laying the Groundwork

December 17, 2004 | by Lezlie Porter B.A.

Education is Nevada's greatest budget priority, comprising nearly 55% of the state's budget. Even though Nevada leads the nation in terms of percentage of money spent on education, results on standardized tests remain near the national average. Such a performance record would put any investor in the private sector out of business. This study outlines three major problem areas - the economies, politics, and accountability of education in Nevada. The author recommends reforms that would improve the level of education in Nevada.

The Scofflaw NEA

September 27, 2004 | by Steven Miller

If you’ve ever wondered why Nevada taxes keep going up despite the wishes of most Nevadans, a big reason is unreported political money poured into the state by the National Education Association.

Force? Or Freedom?

August 30, 2004 | by Steven Miller

Amid all the complaints that the initiative and referendum process is turning Nevada into “East California,” the real root of the problem — in both states — remains remarkably absent from discussion.

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