
Just the facts

The Las Vegas Sun has published several articles and op-eds, almost one a day over the last week and a half, lamenting our budget and educational funding "crisis."  Despite all these articles few real facts are actually offered.


Reality and Duty

Carson City Regent Ron Knecht has been engaged in a battle of words with Jim Rogers recently. Read what he has to say.


Baby steps

A step in the right direction!  Whether considered baby steps or leaps and bounds, August 2008 has brought movement in the right direction for school choice in Nevada. 


Worthless paper

Nevada's higher education regents want almost 10 percent more for their budgets despite the state's revenue shortfall.  What planet are they living on?  Nevada isn't even getting a positive rate of return on its current investment in higher education.  How can the regents justify an even greater investment?


Back to charter schools

Good news returns just in time for school. The Nevada State Board of Education ended the moratorium on approving new charter schools, but there is more to do if we want to improve education.


Doing less with more?

Americans spend more on education than at any time in the past, but instead of seeing results we're asked to keep paying more, and more, and more...


To bond, or not to bond

They say they pulled the school bond question from the November 2008 ballot out of  consideration for the community during these economically challenged times.


Think gas prices are high? Think again

From 1961-2005, federal and state education spending per pupil grew 247 percent after adjusting for inflation. That is massive growth.

Total Records: 138

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