The room tax
Today's Las Vegas Review-Journal editorializes on the Nevada State Education Association's efforts to push through a 3 percent increase to the room tax, with much of the revenue to be allocated for public education funding.
Doing less with more?
Americans spend more on education than at any time in the past, but instead of seeing results we're asked to keep paying more, and more, and more...
Think gas prices are high? Think again
From 1961-2005, federal and state education spending per pupil grew 247 percent after adjusting for inflation. That is massive growth.
What might have been
As last week's blog entry (It's the spending, stupid) demonstrated, Nevada's budget crisis was self-inflicted ... too much spending and not enough self control. But what if Nevada had shown restraint over the last decade? Would we be better off or would the reduction in spending have made the state incapable of providing basic services for a rapidly growing population?